Sunday, August 29, 2010

Knowledge is Power

Since Chapel this morning I've been thinking non-stop about knowledge and what it is and what it entails, so I've decided to start "blogging". (as the cool kids say) I want to warn you now that this is not the place to look for proper grammar and spelling. If you enjoy that kind of stuff, read a book. So now begins my incoherent ramblings!

It was Tuesday morning and there  in the Flower Chapel in the front row and paying close attention as always, I sat. (second to back row, zoned out, thinking about what will be served at lunch) Sometime during the message part of chapel the subject of knowledge was brought up. I started paying attention and it paid off, I was blown away by a statement Professor Douglas  made. He said "The beginning  of knowledge is fearing God". Since chapel I haven't been able to get this out of my head. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much truth was in this statement. 

Intelligence is easy to acquire. You read some books, you study, you apply yourself in class, and the next thing you know you're getting straight A's and considered part of the "smart crowd". But what is intelligence without wisdom? I've always thought of wisdom as knowing HOW to use your intelligence and the knowledge you've acquired throughout your life. You could know every mathematical formula and every element on the periodic table, but if you don't know what to do with that information, it's a waste. 

The main type of knowledge I'm trying to talk about here I guess is ethics, and things of that nature. Lots of people have good ethics and a fairly good world view. But if they don't have the wisdom to fear God, then it's a waste. Everything starts with this. We need to remember that God is an all powerful being. Yes, He is our friend and Father, but we can't lose sight of how awe inspiring He is. And I fear there are too many intelligent people out there who have good morales and upstanding ethics, but they lack the simple knowledge that they need to fear God. 

Some of the smartest people in the world are, to put it bluntly, simply dumb. Sure they could talk circles around me all day, or fill a white board with a math formula that would make me want to run away, but they lack wisdom and are therefore lost. All of these gifted individuals throughout the world, whether they are philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, musicians, authors, artists, and so on are simply lost. And it makes me sad. They have been gifted with great knowledge in their field but lack wisdom. It's such a simple thing, but so many people struggle with it. 

In conclusion I just want to say that I hope you or I never lose the wisdom given to us. Also, if you don't yet have the wisdom to fear God, then I pray you will someday find it, and through this find salvation. I also pray that all of the people out in the world who have I.Q.s higher than I can count, will find this truth. (obviously I want everyone to find salvation, not just smart people!) 

Thank you for making it this far through my crazy thought process and improper grammar. Please feel free to comment, I love discussing stuff like this with other people!